Angolországba ment tornaviadalra
Az Edward tekercs, 1461 (The Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare
Book Department, Lewis E 201)
“Most dread Souveregne Lord. please jour Grace to understand that there be
come to Cantenbury III worshipfull Knigths of the King of Hyngaris court callet
Uladislaus of Bodna, Fredericus of Waredma, and Lancelagus od Tresulwan....-
Igen rettegett felséges úr. Kegyeskedjék Felséged tudtúl venni, hogy
Canterburyba érkezett a magyar király udvarából három jeles lovag, kiknek neve
Uladislaus de Bodna, Fredericus de Waredma
és Lancelagus de Tresulwan....” (Harleian manuscripts no.69/12,
p.113-114, British
Konrad Bote Képes krónikája, 1492 (BSB-Ink B-765)
Konrad Bote krónikás úgy tudta,
hogy német nyelvterületen az első lovagi tornát Madarász Henrik hírdette meg
Magdeburgban, a magyarok feletti győzelem emlékére. A harci játékok magyar
vonatkozásait hangsúlyozza Matthäus Schwarz is 1518-ban megjelent
Trachtatenbuchjában. “..di gestallt
kaiser hainrichs ein phaltzgraf bey
rein, Bairn vnd saxen hertzog gwöst im 948. iar wider die unglaubigen hunos,
vigaros vnd walachos gestriten, diser hat den saxen francken Bairn Schwaben den
Turnier geben, sein Sun Ott ward kaiser nach im – Henrik császár a 948-dik évben
a hitetlen hunok, bolgárok és vlachok ellen harcolt, ő adta a szászoknak,
frankoknak, bajoroknak, sváboknak a lovagi tornát, utána pedig fia, Ottó lett a
Marx Walther tornakönyve, Augsburg,
1506/1511 (BSB, Hss Cgm 1930)
Magyarországon a lovagi tornát az Anjou királyok és a királynék udvartartásával
idekerült idegen lovagok honosították meg és virágkora a XIV-XV. századra tehető - mondják
a történészek. Ám adatokat harci játékokról már a XIII. század végén is
találunk. Nem perdöntő viadalról (istenítélet), hanem szabályos
lovagi megmérettetésről. III. András 1291 augusztusa után kelt
adomány-megerősítő oklevelében olvasunk Ratold fia Tamás magisterről, akit a
király néhány báróval és nemessel, Boldog István király ünnepe előtti
szombaton, Bécs vára alá küldött harci játékokra.(“..quod cum nos quosdam barrones et nobiles regni nostri sabbato proximo
ante festum beati regis sub castrum Wÿennense ad ludum bellicale misissemus..”)
Tamás mester a játékok során a jobb kezén megsebesült, katonai buzgóságáról és
becsületességéről pedig (Borsa) Roland erdélyi vajda és az ő
fívérei, István magister és Kopasz, valamint (Aba) Amadé nádor tesznek tanúbizonyságot. (MOL, DL 39202)
Tornakönyv az 1489 és 1511 között Innsbruckban, Nürnbergben és
Heidelbergben lezajlott harci játékokról (BSB Cod.icon.308 f.6r)
A lovagi tornák Magyarországon való megjelenésével
vette kezdetét a katonai eredetű és funkciójú sisakdísz elterjedése. Ez tette
felismerhetővé a zártrostélyú sisakban küzdő lovagot. Egyénítő jellegétből
adódóan, az élő heraldika korában, a sisakdísz több esetben még az azonos
nemzetségi címert viselő atyafiakat is megkülönböztette egymástól. Tehát a
lovagi tornák kezdeteit hozzáigazíthatjuk a sisakdísz-adományok megjelenéséhez Legrégibb ábrázolása pecséteken jelenik meg de
még toll-legyezőként, habár ezt inkább valamilyen vezetői jelvénynek,
rangjelzőnek tekinthetjük. Ilyet láthatunk Mihály zólyomi ispán 1273. évi
pecsétjén (pajzs, benne kereszt, a pajzs bal felső sarkánál tollforgós
lovagsisak, MOL DL 40111), és ilyen toll-legyezővel (fiktív) ábrázolja az Árpád
címert a zürichi tekercs.
A zürichi tekercs (1315-20 táján keletkexett címergyűjtemény)
Az első dokumentálisan fennmaradt
sisakdísz-adomány Anjou Károlytól származik. 1326 április 7-én sisakdíszt
(cymier) adományoz a Sopron
megyei Imre fia Miklós magisternek, atyafiainak és egész nemzetségének. A
sisakdísz aranyozott kék szárnyait
kiterjesztő sólymot ábrázol, szárnyai alatt aranyozott lóhere levelek, a sólyom
csőre fölött aranyozott zöld ág látható.A király megtíltja, hogy bárki rajtuk
kívűl a sisakdíszt akár arany, akár ezüst, akár más színben viselje, vagy ezért
a sisakdíszért Miklóst vagy ennek rokonait zaklassa. Ha a korábbi királyok
valakinek sisakdíszül sólymot adományoztak volna, bármely színben vagy formában, az adomány érvényességét a király
visszavonja a jelen oklevél által (“...ita
nihilominus ut si qui predecessorum nostrorum regum Hungarie quibuspiam de
regno nostro falconem sub quovis colore vel specie pro crista contulissent
auctoritate presentium revocamus..” MOL, DL 262464)
Az oklevél szövege két értékes adatot is tartalmaz. Az
első az, hogy a Csebi Pogányok címere tulajdonképpen ősük sisakdíszének a címerpajzsra
való levándorlásából született (akárcsak a Zichyek, a Forgáchok vagy a Kállayak
címere).A másik amit megtudhatunk, mivel a záradékban I.Károly “elődeink által
adományozott” sisakdíszre utal, ez az oklevél nem az első, csupán a
legkorábbról fennmaradt ilyen tartalmú dokumentum. Nagyon valószínű, hogy Magyarországon már az Anjou
királyok előtt is voltak valódi lovagi tornák. Nehezebb megmondani melyik vagy
milyen elődjére gondolt a király. Vencelt és Ottót nem tekintette elődjének.
III. Andrásról tudjuk, hogy emberei résztvettek hadijátékokban, viszont Anjou
Károly szemében ő sem volt jogszerinti magyar király.
Ezt a kifejezést minden bizonnyal apjára,
Martell Károlyra értette, aki III. András trónrakerülése után tüntetőleg élt a Rex Hungariae címmel.
Insbruck, 1497 (BSB Cod.icon.308 f.14r)
Albrecht Altdorfer: Zászlóhordozók (Albertina Múzeum)
Mátyás udvarában felújult a
lovagi torna, így indult megmérettetésre Angliába a három lovag. Nem tudjuk kapták-e IV. Edwárdtól erre
engedelmet, ha igen dicsőséget arattak-e, netalán kudarcot vallottak. Viszont
sok apró de érdekes dolgot tudunk meg az újkor küszöbén élt lovagok életéről.
Uladislaus, Fredericus és
Lancelagus a magyar királynénak Edwárdhoz és feleségéhez szóló levelével
indultak útra. Calais-ban szíves fogadtatásban részesültek és Angliába
érkezésük után a Térdszalag-rend főfegyvernöke ajánlotta őket a király
figyelmébe. A Szent Jakab-féle bűnbocsánat alkalmával rendezett ünnepélyen
kívántak résztvenni a harcjátékokban. Latinul benyújtott vívásfeltételeiket
maga a főfegyvernök fordította angol nyelvre IV.Edward számára. Azok számára
akik feltételeiket efogadják és ellenfélnek jelentkeznek Uladislaus egy arany vívó
koronát, Fredericus egy arany lándzsahegyet, Lancelagus pedig egy arany kardot
ajánlott fel, amit a leendő ellenfélnek a megmérettetésig nyilvánosan viselnie
Uladislaus lóháton és
felfegyverkezve, 15 futásban, Nápolyban divatozó vívásra hívja ki ellenfelét.
Az első öt futásnál Uladislaus, a korlát végétől tizenegy lándzsahosszra állva
várva be ellenfele támadását, a második öt futásnál az ellenfél várva be őt,
míg az utolsó öt futásnál mindketten az egész pálya hosszában vívhatnak. Ha
valamelyikük lándzsáját nem az összecsapás pillanatában ejtené el, azt vissza
nem kaphatja, hacsak (!) az egyik jelenlévő hölgy ezt nem óhajtja. Fredericus húsz futásra hívta ki ellenfelét. Ő
a véletlenül leejtett lándzsa visszaadását egy találós kérdés megfejtéséhez
köti, viszont egy lord leányának az óhajára a kérdés megválaszolását
elengedhetik. Lancelagus nem határozza meg a futamok számát, ő addig
szándékszik küzdeni míg egyikük lándzsája eltörik. Ezután huszonöt
kardcsapással folytatódjék a küzdelem, a vágások minden neme megendedett, a szúrást kivéve. Az
elejtett lándzsáját tulajdonosa úgy kapja vissza, ha ellenfele hölgyének egy
gyémántot ad át, elejtett karját viszont
csak a király óhajára.
Így léptek ki a bajszérűre a régi
idők lovagjai, mutogatván ügyességüket, merésszégüket, hírnevet, babérokat és
halálos sebeket aratva.
Interessantes, mit vielen Einzelheiten darüber:
VálaszTörlésauf der Seite:
[h+t+t+p://w+w+w.] [..]
Their names were Vladislaus of Bodua, Fredericus of
Wardma, and Lancelagus of Tresalwen. 1
The first Article says that fifteen courses were to be
run after the manner of Naples. The first five courses
were to be run in the following curious style : The
comer to choose whether he or Vladislaus shall stand two
lance lengths from the tilt end while his opponent shall
run at him. The next five courses to be run under
reversed conditions, and the last five courses to be run in
the accustomed manner. The comer was to bring his
spear garnished with grapers, vamplate, and coronel, and
these to be equal in length and size of coronel, the
weapons being inspected by the herald. This strict
equality referred to the first ten courses, but for the last
five, only equal length was necessary. If a spear was
dropped another was not to be supplied. For this
contest Vladislaus offered a jousting coronel of gold as
the prize.
The second day Fredericus offered a spear-head of
gold as a prize for the contest under the following
conditions : —
Twenty courses to be run along a tilt nailed and
boarded on both sides. 2 The spears were to be inspected
two days previously, and to have heads of the breadth of
a groat. Each combatant was to get his spear from a
scaffold, and not, as usual, from an attendant. If he
dropped it he could not get it again till he had told his
opponent the first letter of the Christian name of his lady ;
and if he dropped it a second time, " he must then
4 assoile his fellow' (answer his opponent) such a question
as he will ask him, or else cause some lord's daughter to
desire the forbearing of the answering of the question."
If both lose their spears they would have to hold the tilt
for eight hours against all comers.
1 They appear to have been on a the Queen of Hungary. The prizes
pilgrimage to St. Jago cle Conipostella, they offered were to be worn by those-
and took England on their way home. knights accepting their challenge from
They had had " great cheer" at Calais, the date of acceptance until the contest
and were still suffering from the effects came off.
of their passage from that place ; but 2 Monstrelet, cap. Ixxx, mentions
they were anxious to perform some "une lice garnie d'aiselles." Gay gives-
feats of arms before New Year's day, this word aiselle as equivalent of " ais,"
till which date the indulgence for the the thin boards used for bookbinding,
pilgrimage lasted. They brought letters and now replaced by stout cardboard,
to the King, and also to the Queen, from
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
WEITER (es passte nicht oben):
The third day Lancelagus gave as a prize a sword of
gold to be competed for as follows : Each rider, with spear
on thigh and sword by side, to rim without any tilt till
one or both spears be broken. If the spear be dropped
the rider doing so shall give a diamond to his opponent
for his lady. If both lose their spears in one course
either may have his spear again " so that each of them
require it of the other for his lady's sake by an officer of
arms," and then to run again together. After this contest
twenty-five strokes to be given with the sword by each,
above the saddle, any way but foining. 1 If either drop
his sword, he is not to have it till it be asked for by a
gentlewoman authorized in the name of the ladies and
gentlewomen of the court. If dropped a second time
he is only to have it by the King's special command.
Should both drop their swords, then they can only have
them by order of the King's eldest daughter.
The King was to settle the thickness of the spear-heads
and the sword points, and thickness of the edges of the
swords. Either of the combatants hurting his opponent's
horse to give the owner such a piece of armour as he will
choose, and if a horse be killed then his own horse to be
given. For running against an opponent's horse wilfully
the individual was to be punished as the ladies might
With regard to this manner of Naples, the first part of
the first, day's performance looks very like the persistence
of the idea of the quintain. We are not told if the
knight sitting still, was to have a lance in his hand ; but if
he had, there would be a slight chance of his being able
to parry his antagonist's stroke. The rules as to the
penalties for dropping a weapon on the second and third
day look like a polite game of forfeits, and the divulging
the first letter of the christian name of the lady has a
very innocent ring about it. The rules as to the horses
being hurt or killed seem very equitable.
On page 296 reference has been made to unfair riding as
one of the causes of the adoption of the tilt ; but even after
that had been introduced, some riders appear to have
indulged in peculiarities which were not in the true spirit
1 Thrusting with the point.
2 a 2
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
DIE Namen, etwa richtiger geschrieben,
VálaszTörlésauf der Seite:
Ich schreibe ab:
[pp 62-62:]
The Relation made by Garter King of Arms to K. Edward IV. concerning the Arrival of 3 Knights of the K. of Hungaries Court, named Uladislaus of Bodna, Fredericus of Waredma, & Lancelagus of Tresulwane, who desired to performe some feats of Arms with the English Gentlemen.
With their Instructions given to the said Garter touching his declaration of their Desires, and the Articles of the Jousts and Tournay (1)
Die Note (1) schickt zum Text in einem weiterem Anhang, ich vermute, ist identisch mit den Texten von den 2 anderen kann es Online prüfen.
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
Appendix B. page 175:
VálaszTörlésVol.I. pge 17 Code 69 An 12: Text ist IDENTISCH, also regesta ist einfach abgeschrieben, bringt hier nichts Neues...prüfen!
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
Die Namen:
VálaszTörlésUladislaus of Bodna= Uladislaus de Bodon (Vidin), wenn nicht eine falsche Lesart, eventuell richtig: de Rodna.
Fredericus of Waredma= Fredericus de Waradinum, Fredericus de Wardein.
Lancelagus of Tresulwane= Lancelagus de Transsylania.(Lanczlaus? Ladislaus?)
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
Am respectat ortografia din Catalog
VálaszTörlésMai verific, dar am respect.edit. British Museum
VálaszTörlésSimonyi Ernö [in:] Magyar törtélnemi okmanytár. Londoni könyv-és levéltárbakból 1859 gibt den ganzen Text KORREKT/richtig wieder:
Ich versuche, die TEXT Version zu verteilen, nur etwa 4000 Zeichen passen in einem Posting herein, als Copy-Paste:
By Garter to the Kings highnes.
Most dread Souveregne Lord, please your Grace to understand that there he come to Canterbury 111 worshipfull Knigths of the King of Hungaris court called Vladislaus of Bodna, Fredericus of Waredma, and Lancelagus of Tresulvan which the last days sent unto me and I according to my duty went and welcomed them in this your realme and offered them my service. Certainely sire they seame to be right noble and honorable persons and becose they never passed the sea before this time being yet sicke therofif: They have desired me to present your Grace there lettre also lettres from the Queene of Hungarie to your grace and the Queenes, ower that to showe how faine they would doe things to your noble pleasure. And at your good leasure I shall open unto your highnes further of their minds and disposition, and here be first there letters, Lowely than king your highness of the great gifte that they have given me for your sake.*
Sire After they had showed me the cause of there coming into these parts and the great cheare made unto them at Caleies with diwers other communications had b etwist us, they questioned me weather such a feast should be hold such a daye or not, and I said yes. Then said they Garter we knowe well that you be chiefe officer at armes of this realme and that every nobleman maye assuredly put his trust in you, and in as much as the Indulgence of St. James shall dure untill new years daye next coming, we trust nowe to serve our intents at the said feast, and yet after it fulfill our pilgrimages to the said St. James ere the pardon be cxpinedWherfore we will aske you advise of such a case as we have in our minds and pray you that according to the Law of Armes and to your oath you will give us your good counsell and assistance. Which thing I might not denye them but promised it. There uppon they asked me that if they should desire to doe any dedes of Armes at the said feast whither it should be any displeasure unto your Grace and to the Queene or any wrong to the nobles of your court or of your realme which inno wise they would intende. But if they could thinke that it should please they would gladly put them in devaine to their powers therin.
Wherunto I answered that it was unto me a great ioye to understand them of that noble and worshipfull courage. And as to your Grace it is of so Eoyal a disposition that gladly you love the furtherance of all chivalrie and that there Knightly intents I thought veryly should be to you full agreeable to understand, and also great pleasure to the Queene and the Ladyes. As for the nobles and chivalrie of the Court and of the realme there could not come to them more ioyfull tydinge. Then they askedme whither I would do their message and showe their intents plainely unto your Grace, and I said yea, for I thought me happye to that chandge unto the court..
But nevertheles I said because that the manner of exercise of the armes they had not expressed 1 required them to deliver me by instructions the order and articles of the said exercises and howe I should behave me signed with their handes which thing they gladly grannted. And here be myne instructions and their articles translated into English which were before in latine.
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
VálaszTörlés[...]in latine[...]
Instructions given by Vladislaus of Bodna Fredericus of Waredma and Lancelangus of Tresulvan Knights to Garter King of Armes to show unto the right high right excellent and right mighty Prince Edward by the grace of God King of England and of France and L(ord) of Ireland And to the right high right excellent and right mighty Princesse the Queene his wife and also to all the noble Knights and Esquiers of the court and others in the realme of England that take pleasure in deedes of Armes.
First after most humble and condigne commendations the said Garter shall present his letters and showe the dispositions and the manner of the comming into the realme of the said Vladislaus Fredericus and Lancelagus and howe fayne and how glad they would be to please the Kings gra* e and the Queenes and to find any reasonable occasion to attaine acquaintance in Armes or exercise of the same which is the noble chivalrie of England.
Item he shall saye they seeme sithence (since) fortune has shapen them so good a season they would gladly put themin the devoire to honour such a feast in doing exercise of Armes.
Item he shall saye they consider the nobles that have been used in their Ancestors should not be followed in them it might redound to the great reproch and disworshipping and specially if they having abilitic of personages would not employe and enable themselves to nobles. The more honour their Ancestours have gotten unto their blood the more blance and the greater charge might be laid directly unto them for lacke of following such worshipfull and good examples.
Item he shall saye that seeing of howe great a distance they be borne from those parts they thinke if they might as three returne into their country evidently showe howe they had brotherly acquaintance in armes or exercise of the same with any of the noble chivalrye of this realme they shall be the more recomendable to the good grace of their souveraigne Ladyes And also it should be a speciall worship to them and all their blood and Joye to all their frendes.
Item he shall saye They remembring all these premisses with the holding of the said honorable Feast wherat by likkelyhood great part of the Knight hood of this noble realme wil be whose renowme floweth so wonderfully lowely beseech the Kings Grace to understand their reasonable desires.
Item over that with all humilitie he shall beseech in their names that their mindes and intents in this behalfe be benignely conceaved and accepted with favour of Grace. And in no wise that there be alleadged against them therin any presumption or malice but that their true meaning maye accordingly take good effect.
Item and if the King and the Queenes Grace be pleased with their intents and desires in this parte he shall lawely thannke their highnesses therfore and saye in the names of said Vladislaus Fredericus and Lancelagus that they will take it for a right speciall pardon beseeching that he maye have licence in convertible place to publish ad proclaime thein Articles.
Item that licence obtained and the proclamations made thane of snch noble men as of their Knightly courrages will deale according to the said articles to him that will hold companie with the said Vladislans the said Garter shall in the name of the said Vladislaus deliver a Justing coronett of gould which eveny daye he must veare openly till the daye of the meeting. And the said Garter shall in like wise deliver a spearhead of gould to the commer against the said Fredericus to be also worne till the daye of their meeting. And in like forme to deliver a sword of gould to him that shall list to come and hould companie with the said Lancellagus the said sword to be worne also daylye till thein meeting.
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
VálaszTörlés[...]thein meeting[...]
Item the said Garter so understand of the Kings highnes the (layes and place and there uppon with all diligence to returne and certifie it unto the said Vladislaus Fredericus and Lancellagus with all their circumstances.
And this signed the same
Articles to be performed in the presence of the most victorious Prince Edward by the Grace of God King of England and of France and L. (lord) of Ireland and the most excellent Princesse the Queen his wife by Vladislaus of Bodna and Fredericus of Waredna and Lancelagus of Treswallan Knights in such III dayes as it shall best like the Kings grace.
First tbe said Vladislaus shall present himlefe such a daye and bower and where as shall please the Kings highnes to appoint horsed and armord as apperteyneth to Justice royal 1 there to meet with any such Gentleman as shall liste to come and present him in the field for to recounter him 15 courses and tho show as well the manner of JuBts in the realme of Naples and Justs of other parts the said Vladislaus offreth that the commer shall choose whither he will run 5 the first courses of the 15, and the said Vladislaus to stand chardged and abide him within 11 speares lenght at the toyles end or els that the commer will stand and the said Vladislaus to run at him the 5. courses and he to syne him like wise 5. the next courses and when they both have run 5. courses and stand 5. courses then 5. the last courses ether of them to run [at other along the toyle in manner accustomed.
Item Any man shall nowe bring his spear garnished with grapers Vann plates and corronalles and two dayes a fore to bring them into the field to the Heraulds to be measured and sysed and the colours to be overseen and five the firsi courses and five the second courses of the speares to be equall, 5 the last courses to hear every man at his pleasure of greatnes being of one length.
Item there shall no man now be chardged ne (nor) served with any man on horsbacke nor on foote hapen to chandge higher then one sadle and the footman onely to set his thigh and after that to hand his spear in his hand he shall run with all or stand till it be broken unlesse that he loost it with crossing in which case it shall moe be delivred him againe and if he let it elsinany wise fall he shall not moe hand it againe without it be at the desire of some Lady or Gentlewoman present. And els the foult of the accomplishment of the 5 courses to be noted in him and if it happen them both to loose their speares without crassing the Herould shall moe deliver them againe so that they run two courses moe above the five courses foreseen alwayes that if any of both parties tarye ether for mending of his armes or other reasonable cause within the 15. courses he shall moe take his speare to one of his servants till he begin to run againe.
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
VálaszTörlés[...]to run againe[...]
Item the second daye the said Fridericus of Waredna shall present himselfe at such an hower and place after the Kings pleasure asis above said horsed and Armed in manner of warre as best shall like him to run 20 courses along e Tilt rayled and boarded on both sides to tepe in the horses against any such gent as shall list come and hold him com pany horsed and armedas he shall seeme best.
Item the spears to be brought in likewise II dayes be fore and every man to hand them at his pleasure garnished the heads to be at the ends of the brendth of a groat (a four penny pice) at the least.
Item there shall no man be serued neythei on hors becke nor on foot ont every man must fech his speare upon a scaffold which shall be ordeyned tber fort at the Tillts end and run through till it be broken and if he let fall or loost his spear he shall not moe have it againe till he had told his fellowe the fist tre of his Ladyes christian name and if he let his spear fall the second time he must then assoile (ansver, absolve, decide) bis fellowe such a question as he shall aske him ere he maye have it againe or els cause some Lords doughter to desire the forbearing of the answering the question and if both luost their speares in one course they twaine shall be bound to kepe the Tilt that daye 8 dayes against all commens.
Item the IIIt i daye the said Lancelagus of Tresulvan shall present himselfe at the Kings pleasure as is above said hored and Armed as he shall seeme best to his advantage with a speare on his taigh and a sword by his side to re counter any such Gent as will hold him companye and to run together without tilt with their spears till both be broken or the one at the least and if any of them let fall or loost his speare he shall moe have it againe so that he give his fellowe a dyamond for to give his Ladye. And if both loost their spears in one course ether of them may have his spear againe so that each of them require other for his Ladies sake by an officer of Armes and then to run againe together and after that to strike 25. strokes With their swordes by both parties above the saddle all manner of wayes except the foyne and if ether the one or the other to loost his sworde at the said 25. strokes be accomplished he shall not have it againe till it he required by a gentle maid authorized in the name of the Ladyes and Gentlewomen of the court, and if he loost it the second time he shall not inoe have it againe but by the Kings speciall commandement and if both loost their swordes at onee they shall moe have them againe by the ordinance of the Kings eldest doughter and els not.
Item if the said Lancelagus or his contrepart run against his fellowes horse will fully he that so doeth shall be punished at the Ladyes will or Joings.
Item the thikness of the points of the speares heades the breadth of the points of the swordes and the thikness of the edges to be sised by the Kingfl ordonanee
Item ifit fortune in anyof the said III dayes any man ether with speare or sword to hurt his fellowes horse he shall give him such a piece of his harnois as he will choose when they have done and if hi kill his fellowes horse the killer shall give bim the same tbat he rode upon that daye.
Item if there be anything in these articles to he questioned uppon Garter King of Armes shall declare it and for the more assurence to be given unto the fullfilling of these said articles to their powers by the said Vladislaus Frederieus and Lencelagus they have sett here unto their signe manualy at Canterbury the 19th daye of June
(Bibliotheca Harleyana. Nr. 69. fol. 14. s köv. 1.).
Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
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Georg Schoenpflug von Gambsenberg
Hát, alaposan megglosszázták. Ennek ellenére érdekes bejegyzés megint. Néztem az első, angol szöveg forrását, sajnos valószínűleg a MEK-en szereplő mű átírása is sok hibát tartalmaz.
VálaszTörlésEz a veszély mindig fennáll, ha valaki idéz.
Egy volt szebeni ismerősöm.Most Ulm-ban lakik.Az erdélyi és szebeni szászokról gyűjt be minden apró adatot. Nem ismerte Simonyi Ernő munkáját és hogy Simonyi betűszerint betartotta az 1808-ban kiadott Harleian kéziratok szövegét. Az angol szöveg szerzői gondolom úgy segítettek magukon ahogy tudtak, egy betűcsere és az egyik lovag vidini (Bodon), a másik problémamentesen váradi, a harmadik érthetőbben transilvaniai-erdélyi lett.
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